
A friend of mine is known to give an extra long hug.  Not so long it’s strange, but when you get one, it’s clearly longer than the average. He’s an outlier in many other areas, but he’s particularly strong in the area of connection. The hug is just one physical extension of his whole connection...
Yesterday I made a trip down to the hot springs on the Mornington Peninsula.  This is about an hour away. We went on a Wednesday. I thought it would be fairly quiet. The pools were rammed. Like sardines we squeezed into the hot baths with travellers from all over the place.  I love to watch...
“Performance” seems to be a hot topic. Brands like 2XU, sports supplement brands, shoe technology… these guys have it covered. For whom are you performing? For many, this little thoguht seed turns into a sprint. A 90 day plan for performance, or to “level up” the output. However, a sprint is nothing if you are...
If you have an iPhone, here’s an exercise for you: Go to the “settings” tab, then go to “battery,” then scroll down to look at Battery usage for the Apps. Then toggle the little switch over to “Time” with the little clock, rather than percentage. Flip it over to the “Last 7 Days.” A lot...
I was fortunate to have been introduced to the work of Paul Chek early on in my “fitness” journey. On one of his courses, he talked of his “I, We, All” concept. In short, this states that we cannot love another (“We”), or truly relate with another, until we have connect with, and learned to...
Today I have a video for you. I created this yesterday when I was out walking Luna and getting the evening light. In this 6 minute clip, I talk through the context of the unplugged retreats, how they came to be and I’m also offering up 5 spots for a one-on-one call with anyone interested...
Carlos Castenada writes that according to the sorcerer don Juan, to live impeccably, means to live through function, rather than goals or ideals, to try your absolute hardest, and then try a little more. In Suzuki’s Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, he states: “When you bow, you should just bow; when you sit, you should just sit; when...
Just one note on our second big event for the year. I recently confirmed that I’ll be running a second unplugged Meditation and Movement retreat in 2018.  We’ll be heading away at the start of August, for 5 days of practice, exploration and immersive learning. These retreats are unique and I’m excited to go deeper...
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