
If you choose to truly connect with someone when you meet, you create an entirely different path and future reality.   But, you say, It takes two to tango! To connect with someone authentically requires an unspoken (or spoken…) “agreement” from both sides. An agreement to shelve distractions, work, emails, complaints, gossip. This is why...
Sound and some music has can have a powerful effect on healing. Conversely, we all know that some sounds or music can have a negative effect. I know this to be true experientially, for many reasons, including the odd fact that whenever I get into a small twin engined plane the low-frequency, slightly mis-matched hum...
A stillness practice can cultivate a huge amount of energy. From stillness, we have the most potential. Potential to move, share, connect, love. When we are intoxicated with inputs and “doings,” our potential drops. We are already engaged. From stillness, we can pivot and move. So, the question is, when you return from retreat, or...
This week my wife Ruby just returned from her first solo-silent meditation retreat. These are epic and occasionally frightening events. They leave a significant impact. However, this post is not about these retreats. (perhaps another time!) One of the biggest and most unexpected things I noticed from the first time I did  one of these,...
When we work with each other, meet, train or just relate with one-another, We have the opportunity to connect. Not just casually in passing, but actually connect authentically. For many, in a rushed, distracted lifestyle, this is more and more difficult. However, should we choose to pursue this path of connection and make it a...
There’s the event, the stimulus, the information, the thought. Then there’s the space. Right after the event, before the next thought or words have time to emerge. The space in between. Individually, this is where we heal and grow. Collectively, this is where we connect. The space in between is where the power is.  
There’s a lot around morning routines. “How it starts is how it ends” is a popular one. Well, that’s the full story for some Here’s why I find it to really be more like half the story The morning routine is often touted as the “productivity tool.”  Well, when you are prioritising Connection as well,...
When we go deeper into the exercise and training journey, we only can spend so much time on structural stuff before there are diminishing returns. This means that for the general population to get fit, healthy and have vitality, there is a certain amount of training experience or knowledge that is helpful, in order to...
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