
In first year uni, I catastrophically failed a physics exam. I came in fresh from school, I was still 17. It was a physics mid-term paper, worth about 30% of the final mark for the course. Almost our entire year group failed. I think I got 40% or so. This was the first test I...
Chris Anderson’s concept of the “long tail” described a revolution in the media business. This was a change from a small number of “hit” items selling in large volumes (The Beatles) to our current setup of a huge number of super-niche items selling in smaller volumes. The long tail concept was effectively fuelled by three...
“We don’t know where we get our ideas from. What we do know is that we do not get them from our laptops.” – John Cleese Really, we have no greater tool for distribution and change than the computer (even the one in your pocket) and the net. It is beyond ridiculous how powerful it...
At school, we used to show up because we were marked for attendance. If we didn’t show up enough, physically, we wouldn’t “pass.” For most people, at the gym or at a run group, they show up because they want the benefits of the exercise, and to belong to the group. There is a bias...
Personally or professionally, there is no real difference. We live in relationship. “Relationship is an extremely rich and viable part of practice, especially when you are able to use it as a mirror, so that you always see yourself in it.” – Larry Rosenberg As we learn to use our projects in our work or...
In a culture that is fuelled by the concept of growth, success, and purpose, it can be easy to become myopic. It is tempting to only focus on the “1% better,” transformations, self improvements and latest productivity hacks. We can quickly de-humanise the situation. Then we have the concept of resilience… How do we stand...
“I don’t have the bandwidth right now.” A semi-modern saying, meaning “there isn’t the mental capacity available to deal with whatever it is that someone is trying to add on.” While it’s very true that cognitive load is a drain on energy and can heavily compromise decision making skills (therefore impacting tasks that are already...
“If you are listening with all kinds of prejudices, that is a wrong way of listening; it is really a way of not listening. You appear to be listening, but you are only hearing not listening.” – OSHO When we are going through turbulent times, often we just want to be heard. But it’s more...
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