
A lack of connection is a fundamental issue that we seem to face. Whether this is at a personal level, or at a small business level – with those who are looking to reach their audience. In both cases, we can either accept “what is,” or we can be willing to lean in, to create....
In our physical body, we can train or “work out” for a few different desired results. It might be fitness, strength, mobility, coordination or more. Some of these areas though are lower on the immediate “stimulus” side and higher on the emotional labour side. This means that they can feel slow, frustrating, and require patience...
Fear and hesitation have a rightful place. As survival mechanisms, they’ll often kick in subconsciously and instantaneously. They help us avoid dangerous situations or at least bring caution, which gives us some time to think. In 2019 though, we often find here we have an almost inverted signal in much of our work and even...
While there are a lot of different beliefs around food and diets, there is one foundation that seems to hold true: There is nothing but upside for understanding where your food comes from and how it is made. The rest can come next. If you know where it comes from and how it’s made, straight...
Often the topic of “connecting” to the people you want to work with comes up. How do I reach them? Of course, the first step is an empathy deep dive – understanding their world view and where do they hang out? What are they into? Second though, is to realise that we can connect passively,...
Before around the year 1400, the word “conspire” simply meant to “Breathe Together.” There was no link to evil or wrong. To breathe together is to be in communion, shoulder to shoulder. To see each other below the level of everyday beliefs and language. When we choose to do this, we can use others to...
The first difficulty is structural – what is needed for the task? The tools required, the design ability, understanding the manufacturing or publication process, or the group of movements that might help you progress in a particular set of skills. The second difficulty is far greater, it is emotional – the ability and willingness to...
I had an individual call with one of the coaches in the altMBA yesterday. This is an intense 4 week workshop style course where effectively you learn a lot about yourself through the insane amount of work that you do and a lot of interaction with others. I had no particular agenda for the call...
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