
Reduced to its base, whenever you are overwhelmed by any emotion you lose all reason, you lose all sensitivity, you lose your heart in it. – OSHO Overwhelm is as real as it is made up. There is a physiological response – the heart rate, the breath, the tension… Yet there can often be no...
Almost all of what we choose to engage in stems from the story we tell ourselves. Who we believe ourselves to be, how we exercise, what we eat. We like to think there’s some level of “unbiased research” in there, but typically that too, has passed through a filter of conditioning that is in line...
“No Junk Mail” We’ve had this on mail boxes for a long time. If I’m dropping off unwanted flyers, I might see a “no junk mail” sign. If I’m then considerate enough to not drop my flyer there,  it seems I know deep down my content here is considered “junk?” If I know this is...
At some point, we all used to create. Maybe it hasn’t been since you were at school, with the glue in art class that is somewhat clear and gluggy, that some kids would eat… For a lot of people, as they have aged, they have begun to conform, to shift to the left hemisphere only,...
As we attempt to grow into adults, we seem to hit one difficulty after another in the rollercoaster of life. Whether it’s a job, or a relationship or something else, we inevitably hit struggles. It is pretty easy to get lost. Sometimes when we are lost, it helps to stop. To notice the surrounding environment...
If you drive over a speed bump too quickly, it will destroy your car. Or, at a minimum you’ll spill your cup of coffee. When we face a difficulty in our work, our relationships, our even our training (say an injury), we are at the speed bump. In conversation, this looks like a quick justification,...
Often coaches point out the absurdity of some parts of the fitness or diet industry. Crazy diet trends, the pointless tiny isolation exercises or “spot reduction” techniques that simply won’t work. The thing is, the market is always right. Or, put another way, the culture dictates everything. There have been very few times where what...
A mechanical, over-stimulated, order-filling work week, as a cog in the system isn’t balanced by a weekly yoga or meditation class. This isn’t a theory, it’s just an experiment you can run. You can try it out any time for a few weeks and see. When we consider “self love” or “self care” practices, we...
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