
To work “out” is to expend energy, express capacity, to stimulate and to expand. If there are adequate resources*, this stimulus is the stimulus for growth, change and adaptation. To work “in” is to accumulate energy and to re-vitalise. While the stimulus sparks the adaptation, the “working in,” or the restorative process facilitates the adaptation....
When I was young, growing up I did a lot of skateboarding. “Skate or die” basically. We would practice a trick, over and over… and over. Eventually kinda getting it. I went in two contests I think, but was never very good. I was too hit or miss. We had a friend though, Nick Lister....
I know a guy who was right there at the beginning of ultralight sailboat design. When they started creating fast, fiberglass boats instead of heavy, lagging timber hulls. He would literally “shape” the boat hulls by hand, by sight. He was a prototyper. He also designed the original O’Neill logo  designed the original O’Neill logo....
This weekend is about innovation. To innovate, is to create. And to create, we like a few ingredients – a certain environment. A big part of this is the crew, cohort, or collective – the people involved, “the meeting of the minds.” On Saturday, We have a one day sprint/marathon on Energy Generation and Business...
So your car maybe can go 180km/hr… Maybe 200.. So 200 is maybe a little shaky, but that’s the potential. But to go from 100 to 200*, you need to push the accelerator down. The extra 100km/hr doesn’t deliver itself. We need to engage in order to access that potential. Well, it is kind of...
We are used to a 60 minute timeframes. If it’s a group meeting, the first 20 are typically gone with late arrivals, banter and a general lack of intent. Even with some level of focus, this is typically long enough to catch up on a few things, but rarely enough for high power, deeper work....
First we focus on energy. Energy production, awareness, becoming your own power source. The Energy Generation module of the Access Potential Academy program has six components – Breath, Perception, Nourishment and then Urgency, Necessity and Impeccability. Half of these are focused more on the physiology – our body, our being. The other half though, are...
It’s easy to do a favour when someone has helped us out. It’s easy to “do our job” to a certain level when we have a certain salary. Of course we say “thank you” when we’ve just received a gift. What happens though when we let go of the trade? What happens when we move...
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