
Reduced to its base, whenever you are overwhelmed by any emotion you lose all reason, you lose all sensitivity, you lose your heart in it. – OSHO Overwhelm is as real as it is made up. There is a physiological response – the heart rate, the breath, the tension… Yet there can often be no...
“No Junk Mail” We’ve had this on mail boxes for a long time. If I’m dropping off unwanted flyers, I might see a “no junk mail” sign. If I’m then considerate enough to not drop my flyer there,  it seems I know deep down my content here is considered “junk?” If I know this is...
At some point, we all used to create. Maybe it hasn’t been since you were at school, with the glue in art class that is somewhat clear and gluggy, that some kids would eat… For a lot of people, as they have aged, they have begun to conform, to shift to the left hemisphere only,...
A “hot-cold” empathy gap is a cognitive bias where we underestimate the influences of visceral drives or “states” on our attitudes, behaviours and choices. This “state awareness” is something we cover in many of the breath workshops – it’s not just powerful for recovery and adaptation from training or other stressors, but to facilitate connection...
On F-18’s there aren’t a lot of comforts – raw metal, rivets showing everywhere. On a lot of racing yachts, they don’t even paint some of the internal surfaces, in order to save weight. Since the iPhone 6, there has really been very little actual improvement, despite a bunch of added features. In our product,...
“Let your life speak.” What do you know to be true? What is your experience? What are your thoughts? For business owners, freelancers, practitioners or coaches, this is both scary, and powerful.* Creating work that embodies this knowledge and experience allows us stand out while we do work that we are proud of, with people...
This morning I was a test subject for an upcoming Parkour Workshop that my friend Shaun Wood is running. We spent two hours going through some different methods for jumping, rolling, balancing and clearing objects. In one section, we were “precision jumping” from one object to another, maybe 2.5m apart. This means you jump and...
A “top 5” practitioner is perhaps a service provider that is in the top 5% of their category. A trainer, a lawyer, a landscaper, a coach… With global connectivity and saturation in most fields effectively inevitable, a move towards the “top 5” seems to be a pre-requisite for long term success. Why are there so...
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