
In a group environment, when we facilitate deeper connection, we create a space for greater contribution. This contribution could be in the form of idea generation, feedback or even physical labour. Within the group, there are two ways to optimise this: Vertical connection – this is from the facilitator or “leader” to the members of...
When you take a sip of your long black that they made way too hot, you might see a reflex arc kick in. A “reflex arc” is a neural pathway that controls a reflex. A lot of times, sensory neurons don’t actually go into the brain for processing, they just synapse in the spinal cord....
After the Frisbee was invented in 1938, it remained relatively unchanged. There was no clear reason to make any adjustments. There was even a seven time Frisbee World Champion Scott Zimmermann who had brought mastery to the sport. In 1986 though, Zimmerman threw an Aerobie flying disc 383 meters, for a world record throw of...
Belief, faith, personal power. Slightly different, but in the context of action, close enough to group. I’ve written about belief and Personal Power before. In fact, the free 130 page resource Pillars of Power is focused almost exclusively on cultivating personal energy and re-discovering personal power. Why does this continues to come up? As we...
In mechanics, when we have an object in motion – say sliding along a table, we have dynamic friction. This is the friction of one object sliding along the other. Both the mass of the object and the nature of the surfaces matter. When the object is at rest though, before it starts sliding, we...
Line fishing and spear-fishing have a similar outcome (dinner), but there’s a different dynamic going on. The biggest of which is the way we engage with the environment – the gap between being either above, or below the surface. With spearfishing, when you climb back into the boat after getting the fish, you’re sometimes asked...
If you’d like to persuade me to do something and I’m not already on board, three things are needed: A point of view. An ability to articulate or express a point of view. Empathy. The ability to not just listen, but to hear and see what I am not just saying, but feeling. What is...
When I was 12, we were living on a boat in Fiji that Dad had built and we were anchored at an island called Waya. One day, I was invited by a group of local kids to go catch fresh water shrimp. I didn’t speak Fijian, and they didn’t speak English. Late morning, we headed...
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