
We live in relationship. Spatially, emotionally, energetically. Our experiences themselves stem from being in relationship, beginning with sensory inputs. “It’s hot to touch,” “it sounds like,” “that is pretty..” Each of these draws not just on present relationships, but also on the past. “Relative to…” Considering this, the effort to cultivate generosity, possibility and empathy...
I was sitting in San José international airport in Costa Rica. I was flying “standby” for a two week surf trip because my friend worked for Qantas (that trip is another story…). Anyway I looked up and saw some TV screens playing a triathlon. It was a replay of the Hawaii Ironman triathlon World Champs....
Don’t get the best results. Even though, sometimes it feels like they will. When you walk through the farmer’s markets, there is always one stall using the shouting method: “for FIVE MINUTES only, ALL these LOVELY tomatoes FOR JUST THREE DOLLARS. FIVE minutes ONLY FOLKS, COME get your tomatoes…!”“ And on we go. Even from...
When you are out of time, you’d better start taking action. When you’re late to a meeting, behind on work, or when you run out of resources for your project, there’s no option except to innovate, to create urgency. The other side of the coin though is moving from capacity. Because there is opportunity to...
I just received an email from Medium, with a blog post on how to optimise your iPhone for productivity and longevity (link at bottom). As I glanced through it, I couldn’t help notice that many of the tips involve limiting the addictive nature of a lot of the apps and tools in the phone. As...
We can ask both intellectual and physical questions. What do you think of this situation? How can you move in this situation? When we are comfortable in a situation and yet still wanting to make improvements, the practice of asking better questions is often all that we need.
The word inspire can be traced back to the latin root word “inspirare,” meaning “to breathe into” or “to blow into.” Inspirare of course stems from spirare, meaning “to breathe.” Soon, we began to use the word figuratively. To breathe in, is to bring in the new, to inspire, to innovate. And to innovate, to...
Is a hoax. It does not work. Well, for me anyway (and, I haven’t seen it done powerfully yet) And, I did try – yesterday I took my laptop – I can work “remotely” you see – so I took my laptop out, the sun was shining, I set up on a bench by the...
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