
For the modern love-warrior-traveler, in the battlefield of distraction and the pursuit of mastery, impeccability is key. Impeccability means to do your best today, then that will even look different again tomorrow, as you learn. Impeccable speech is right speech, to stay true to your word – to value integrity. Once this is created, then...
Don’t prepare. Begin. Our enemy is not lack of preparation. The enemy is resistance, our chattering brain producing excuses. Start before you are ready. – Steven Pressfield The roll into the New Year has come. In fact, the roll into the New Year is already gone. Have you begun? Or are you still preparing?
Goal setting, intention setting, reflection. At this time of year, you’d be lucky to open any platform and not be bombarded with proclamations, forecasts and maybe some solemn reflections on the the last 12 months. While there are hundreds of tools out there to help set goals, many people often focus externally – the goal,...
In French Polynesia, it’s the “shaka” sign with the hand and/or a “nod.” In close, there’s a two-stage hand shake and/or a hug with a kiss on each cheek. Where we are now on Great Barrier Island, it’s a wave of the hand off the steering wheel when you drive past a car and then...
In the late 90’s there was a mobile phone game called “snake.” In “Snake” we navigated the journey of the snake within some fixed boundaries by changing direction only, without being able to stop it. Once the game started, it didn’t stop until it was over. In a similar way, our habit formation process is...
Think of the energy that we save, When we allow ourselves to be “bad” at something when we begin, When we lean into action now, not later, When we reach out to connect or contribute first, without expectation That increased energy that we save by cultivating the habit of simply moving through these things with...
The Default Effect is a cognitive bias that can influence our decision making and actions. The Default Effect: “When given a choice between several options, the tendency to favour the default one.” This is common when filling out forms, or when using a new device (phone, computer) – we typically tend towards the “default” settings....
Checking email, perusing social.. We all see the acute productivity cost with distraction. We don’t get as much work done, we feel frustrated. This is fairly clear and fairly self-centric. However there’s another cost which is far bigger. If we set any agreement with ourselves, another person, a group or organisation, become distracted, then fail...
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