
What’s the main task at hand? If we are running an event, we need a venue. We need the food and music. But, we also need the people (sales). When we are on our “fitness” or health journey, maybe we are trying to build strength, or “enter” the marathon. We need the aerobic fitness, we...
FOMO is the fear of missing out. Missing a work email, missing a social media update. Or, it could be the fear of missed opportunities – different ways/styles of training, different work you could be doing. FOMO is short game. JOMO is a new spin. This is the “joy” of missing out. Being content with...
Mirroring is the subconscious imitation of one person by another – it could be gesture, behavioural pattern, way of dressing. Neither party is conscious of the process. Mimicking is the conscious imitation of one person by another. This is essentially copying. Both are of interest. Mirroring happens from the time we are born, we use...
The placebo effect is real. In some studies, with certain types of illness, it can be as effective as actual medicine (up to 50%). When we string together a series of successful events, it gives us a great opportunity to create our own placebo in a way. A set of activities, or situations that we...
In studies looking at voluntary breathing frequency changes (“ramps”), Stankovski et al noticed a difference in a number of physiological factors whether a subject was in a fast-to-slow or a slow-to-fast ramp. “We posit the existence of a memory within human autonomic pathways, such that the history of how breathing frequency changes occur, may be...
The beauty of having a system, a scientific approach or a method to your task is that it teaches us about our own emotional landscape. Whether it’s training, sales, marketing, or developing your relationships, having a structure in place can help remove some of the emotional resistance that can come into play (and stop our...
This isn’t an actual defined bias or true cognitive effect. It’s one that I made up. Understanding that at any one time our involvement with our social circles, our jobs, our friends is influencing our decisions, our fears and our actions can be powerful. Through spending time alone (“Dr. Quiet”), going on retreats, or shutting...
We get “good” at the skill through being terrible at it. To only “begin” once we feel we are proficient, is really a form of resistance – it is really to never begin. This trap doesn’t just catch us in the physical realm (“I can’t do mobility work because I’m too tight…” “I don’t do...
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