
Consistency, or continuation towards mastery in the “one thing” is tough. But to even get on the court, or to even see if we are aligned with the journey, we need to start. The thing is, we don’t need to start on the exact end product right now. We just need to practice starting something. Something...
It’s easy to teach the technicalities of the process, the movement, the sport, or the profession. It’s hard to teach people to get on the court and play the game and truly care. This is as true on the output side as it is on the restorative side. It’s easy to teach the method of...
The entropy, or disorder, of any system always increases when in isolation. Things fall apart. Chaos. To be in “balance” then is really a false idea To be in balance is really to be aware enough to be able to “respond” and then adjust. Usually, we react. But a set reaction won’t work, as each...
The action is clear: Show up, put in the effort in a mindful, consistent manner.  Slowly learn, modify and implement lifestyle factors that are proven to be effective. However, despite often knowing exactly what it is we need to do, we’ll often find ourselves down a deep, dark rabbit hole looking for more information. The...
G.I. Gurdjieff was a philosopher and mystic. He believed that most of us were destined to become “beautiful machines.” That our behaviours were automatic most of the time. When a desciple came to him, if they were a vegitarian, he would force them to eat meat, for example. If a meat-eater came to join him, he...
We can get results to a point by just starting. The beginners curve. This is well known in strength training, or any sport. Down the line though, we find we need more effort. The effort we need is free, but it requires attention. So, at this point, maybe a few months or years after the...
Sleep 8 hours, drink 2.75L of water per day, walk 10,000steps. As awareness drops, we need more guidelines and rules. When the race cars are tuned before, during and after a race, they likely don’t need lights on the dash board for a blocked particulate filter or blown tail light.  When I worked on F/A-18...
The bandwagon effect is in full swing. This is a common cognitive bias. It influences mass markets and crowd behaviour.  The Bandwagon effect includes the the tendency to do (or believe) things just because many other people do (or believe) the same. What are our available protective strategies? Firstly it has to be the [ability...
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