
As humans, we love to hold on to sunk costs and past behaviours. A past behaviour becomes a sunk cost once we look back and see that the way we were doing something wasn’t serving us. We invested emotional capital and time into a lifestyle factor which wasn’t optimal. BUT, because we did invest in...
For long term results, we need long term action. The thing is, if whatever it is you are trying to do is out of alignment with what you want to be doing, or what you enjoy, then the lifespan is limited. Even if we know something is good for us, if we don’t enjoy it,...
With so much readily available information, people have an insatiable desire to learn. To find out more. To “get more info.”  The opposite of this is the direct route. To practice, or to lean by feel. The research learning is a cultivation of borrowed knowledge, a collection. The practicing is the creation of your own...
Attention is a limited commodity*. The ability to focus on one task is (it seems) becoming increasingly rare.  Whether this is when you meet with someone to connect, or in training or a physical pursuit. However, we know attention is powerful. It makes connection possible, allows us to develop skills and maintain direction. So, to get...
As humans, use linear systems, but in a way,  chaos is the natural state. When we follow linear systems or patterns, day in, day out, we often forget this. We expect linear results in life and linear change. Each day, a little older, maybe smarter, maybe a little stronger. However, in reality, we often see...
Recently I spoke with a group about meditation. We talked about the reasons behind creating a daily practice and the importance of designing a habit around this. Meditation, like mobility work or writing in a journal, has some element of reward at the beginning, but relative to the effort it takes at first, this is...
When things are out of balance and we get wound up, stressed, anxious, or can’t sleep etc, many times people look to add things in. Adding “relaxation” teas, adding a few yoga classes. Some breath work, some massages. This can help to a point. The other method is via subtraction. If we recount what we...
On day 4 of our recent retreat, we had a big hike scheduled. The group didn’t know about this, but it was going to be about 45 minutes away in the Glasshouse Mountains, then probably 3 hours or so of hiking, before a drive back. The hike was known to be tough, however, everyone was...
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