
“I don’t have the bandwidth right now.” A semi-modern saying, meaning “there isn’t the mental capacity available to deal with whatever it is that someone is trying to add on.” While it’s very true that cognitive load is a drain on energy and can heavily compromise decision making skills (therefore impacting tasks that are already...
Recently I interviewed Jozef Frucek from Fighting Monkey on a podcast*. One of the things he talks about is bringing someone into a group setting in his workshops and “opening up the space”: “OK, you are into “movement,” let’s see you move.” No constraints, no starting point, just go. Obviously, for most of us, we’d...
I remember when the first iPod came out. My friend Adam got one. I thought it was ridiculous, and far too expensive. When the iPhone came out, here’s what Steve Balmer from Microsoft had to say. The thing is, when we are confronted by the new, we don’t know what to do. It breaks our...
I know a guy who was right there at the beginning of ultralight sailboat design. When they started creating fast, fiberglass boats instead of heavy, lagging timber hulls. He would literally “shape” the boat hulls by hand, by sight. He was a prototyper. He also designed the original O’Neill logo  designed the original O’Neill logo....
So your car maybe can go 180km/hr… Maybe 200.. So 200 is maybe a little shaky, but that’s the potential. But to go from 100 to 200*, you need to push the accelerator down. The extra 100km/hr doesn’t deliver itself. We need to engage in order to access that potential. Well, it is kind of...
“Hey, want to go out for dinner on Wednesday?” “That sounds fun! Let me get back to you…” Sure. Sometimes we need a little time. But for a lot of people, this continually blows out. You see, we can choose to make a decision. And, we can choose to not make a decision. In the...
Learned knowledge is an attempt to overcome the future with the past. From the classroom, the text book or the literature or paper – we pop out standing tall, and bring an arsenal of facts, figures and beliefs that equip us to tackle the problems of today. This posture feels powerful. Maybe we got an...
First we focus on energy. Energy production, awareness, becoming your own power source. The Energy Generation module of the Access Potential Academy program has six components – Breath, Perception, Nourishment and then Urgency, Necessity and Impeccability. Half of these are focused more on the physiology – our body, our being. The other half though, are...
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