
It’s easy to do a favour when someone has helped us out. It’s easy to “do our job” to a certain level when we have a certain salary. Of course we say “thank you” when we’ve just received a gift. What happens though when we let go of the trade? What happens when we move...
Long course triathlon typically refers to half or full ironman triathlon races. These races involve a swim, a cycle leg and then a run, they could take between 4 and 16 hours depending on the event and the person. In long course triathlon, there are a couple of traps that catch most people, at some...
It’s easy to downplay the things that are happening right in front of our nose: climate change, the beginning of the financial crises, a rift forming in a relationship or friendship is starting to go sideways. It is equally easy to downplay the potential impact that we can have as an individual in these situations....
Occasionally, idea generation can be a bottleneck. In particular, “out of the box” ideas. With some practice though, we find even radical ideas are cheap (kind of like goals…) and abundant. The critical step very quickly becomes action – the work to put the idea in motion. Even when our emotional landscape isn’t optimal, it...
When we present someone with a new idea, there is a point where we are asking them to jump over a canyon, or a gap. To change the way they are doing something, or to change a belief. A leap. This could be a sale, or an idea, or even inviting someone into a new...
Around 1936, Sylvan Goldman headed up a supermarket chain – he noticed that when people shopped with baskets, there was a point at which they couldn’t carry any more. From here, they stopped shopping – there was a constraint on how much they could buy. The first step was that he instructed staff in the...
Expressing a point of view sounds really easy, yet can be difficult. Unless what we are going to say definitely fits in with the framework around us, we’ve been largely conditioned not to do this since we were pretty young. So as we become an adult, it can be hard to express, to write, to...
There is an opportunity cost with every action or decision. When you decide to go out for a meal, you are letting go of engaging in an infinite number of other activities. When you start deep diving into your Facebook feed, you’re choosing to not engage in a different conversation. There will always be these...
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