
When you are looking to sell your car, the last 10% of the work is important. The first impressions of a car in the used car market are important, it can change the course of the sale. The last 10% takes time. The polishing, cleaning the insides of the wheels, the finer detailing – this...
If you want to learn to handstand, or juggle, or surf, you are going to invest a lot of time, and see a lot of failed attempts. Often, people will use examples like this and talk about the fact that it’s important to be OK with failure. However, this is often a bit of a...
As you engage in your new project, you are going to face resistance.* Maybe you’ve joined a gym, maybe you are creating a podcast – there will be all sorts of excuses to not begin, or reasons to walk away, why it’s not good enough, or why you don’t need to finish. However, if you...
A lack of connection is a fundamental issue that we seem to face. Whether this is at a personal level, or at a small business level – with those who are looking to reach their audience. In both cases, we can either accept “what is,” or we can be willing to lean in, to create....
Fear and hesitation have a rightful place. As survival mechanisms, they’ll often kick in subconsciously and instantaneously. They help us avoid dangerous situations or at least bring caution, which gives us some time to think. In 2019 though, we often find here we have an almost inverted signal in much of our work and even...
Freedivers often use some specific “training” tables to train their breath holding abilities. These are set breath hold times with specific rest intervals that increase CO2 tolerance among other things. On the other side of the coin, free diving and spearfishing themselves both will increase breath hold abilities. There is value in the incidental gains...
While there are a lot of different beliefs around food and diets, there is one foundation that seems to hold true: There is nothing but upside for understanding where your food comes from and how it is made. The rest can come next. If you know where it comes from and how it’s made, straight...
We are deeply irrational. As Dan Ariely points out though, there is logic in our illogic. We continue to bring our past experiences and biases into our decision making over, and over, and over… While there are methods to attempt to make rational decisions (such as the painstakingly difficult decision tree), in reality this is...
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