
In much of our current culture, there is status upgrade that is associated with embracing “discomfort.” Overly long work weeks, multi-tasking, pushing through fatigue, ice baths, high-intensity/gruelling workouts, lack of sleep. While it’s one thing to be able to have some resilience in the face of discomfort and move through resistance, It’s something entirely different...
Symphony is the capacity to synthesise rather than to analyse, to see the spaces in between, to connect the dots. It’s to find perspective and relationships, often beyond language – allowing us to shift between domains. It’s the way we “hear” the whole orchestra, not just the oboe. When I was 17, I hesitantly signed up...
At some point, we all used to create. Maybe it hasn’t been since you were at school, with the glue in art class that is somewhat clear and gluggy, that some kids would eat… For a lot of people, as they have aged, they have begun to conform, to shift to the left hemisphere only,...
As we attempt to grow into adults, we seem to hit one difficulty after another in the rollercoaster of life. Whether it’s a job, or a relationship or something else, we inevitably hit struggles. It is pretty easy to get lost. Sometimes when we are lost, it helps to stop. To notice the surrounding environment...
Trying the same meal at a Japanese restaurant every night for 2 weeks straight is likely more than enough to decide if it’s right for you. For almost everything else though, we need longer. If you are looking to give a new habit, job, training routine or process “a spin” for a month or so,...
A term introduced in the 1980’s by a Buddhist teacher and physchotherapist John Welwood which describes the use of spiritual practices and ideas to side-step, or “bypass” un-resolved emotional issues or wounds. If we use meditation, yoga, plant medicines, crystals or other forms of a spiritual journey to avoid uncomfortable feelings or unresolved situations, this...
There is of course an infinite number of pursuits we could choose here. In each of these though, in particular if we begin as an adult, we find a common thread – these are vehicles for intense learning. In particular, we find progress is impossible without continually stumbling into four big pillars: Consistent, intentional effort...
In the Breathe to Perform and Breathe for Business workshops, a big part of our work is the concept of neuroception. We do work around how we perceive our environment, subconscious assessment and triggers and how this impacts trust, attention and even the ability to share and contribute. For most people (~75% of Australians), their...
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