
An aircraft stays in the air because of “lift” – there’s a higher pressure on the bottom of the wing than there is on the top. This “upwards” force is generated as the aircraft moves forward and is enough to take flight. This difference in pressure though also causes what’s called a vortex at the...
I began this daily blog on December 12, 2017. About 450 posts ago. I’ve also been thinking about audio for a little while and after I finished up the Pillars of Power eBook as a resource, I knew it was time to start. So, in February I recorded the first of a new project, the...
To “complete” a task, is to give it full attention. To finish it, or to close it. It is to RSVP to the invitation, it is to be on time to the meeting, it is to do your best work in the project. Larry Rosenberg writes: “What is my situation? What am I supposed to...
There’s a way of presenting ourselves that is common with small business owners and managers, and it’s flavoured with hustle. It includes, but is not limited to emails overflowing with missing words and mistakes, shortcuts and abbreviations, being late to meetings or not showing up, over-committing, adding too many new things into the mix and...
Belief, faith, personal power. Slightly different, but in the context of action, close enough to group. I’ve written about belief and Personal Power before. In fact, the free 130 page resource Pillars of Power is focused almost exclusively on cultivating personal energy and re-discovering personal power. Why does this continues to come up? As we...
We can define our own “power spots.” Stags and sea birds seem to do this well when they bask in the sun along the water. My dog Luna certainly knows where her power spots are also. Sometimes they are in the sun, sometimes shaded. Animals regularly have a particular affinity for certain exact locations. Defining...
In mechanics, when we have an object in motion – say sliding along a table, we have dynamic friction. This is the friction of one object sliding along the other. Both the mass of the object and the nature of the surfaces matter. When the object is at rest though, before it starts sliding, we...
If you’d like to persuade me to do something and I’m not already on board, three things are needed: A point of view. An ability to articulate or express a point of view. Empathy. The ability to not just listen, but to hear and see what I am not just saying, but feeling. What is...
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