
In olympic lifting we often coach different “positions.” We “break the movement down.” This can be helpful to take something complex and make it seem digestible. Like a step-by-step guide. Ultimately though, the snatch and clean and jerk are movements of fluidity and power. There is no segmentation and ultimately there can be no hesitation....
Mostly we get confused. We were tricked early on into a funny sort of over-arching model. It works in a clunky fashion, but it’s still a trick. Realising this is the first thing. The questioning of this “society,” or the culture, which is telling you who you have to be, or who you are supposed...
A lot of times, when we talk about meditation, the thought of sitting still can drive people insane. Meditation need not always be a sitting practice of course, but there are unique aspects to sitting that are not usually available in all other forms. For a lot of people (I’ve found with younger men in...