
Deliberate reconsideration is to look one level further. To recruit design thinking. What else might this change if I carry this out? Is how I’ve organised myself for this movement, this activity or this project optimal given my resources? Is there something I’m not seeing here that can change things dramatically? Marginally slower on the...
I was sitting in San José international airport in Costa Rica. I was flying “standby” for a two week surf trip because my friend worked for Qantas (that trip is another story…). Anyway I looked up and saw some TV screens playing a triathlon. It was a replay of the Hawaii Ironman triathlon World Champs....
“That being so, so what now?” Yes there are difficulties, you join the gym or yoga classes and it’s early, you are stiff, you can’t lift the same weights as someone else, you have a lot of work on, your mindset or energy feels “off,” the other people applying for the job are more qualified.....
I just received an email from Medium, with a blog post on how to optimise your iPhone for productivity and longevity (link at bottom). As I glanced through it, I couldn’t help notice that many of the tips involve limiting the addictive nature of a lot of the apps and tools in the phone. As...
At the start of a triathlon there is usually an open water or ocean swim. Although there are usually wave starts, there could be up to 2,000 people waiting, ready to start on the gun. Of course, it makes sense to try and get yourself into a solid position. Who knows, maybe today you’ll swim...
Chris Anderson’s concept of the “long tail” described a revolution in the media business. This was a change from a small number of “hit” items selling in large volumes (The Beatles) to our current setup of a huge number of super-niche items selling in smaller volumes. The long tail concept was effectively fuelled by three...
“We don’t know where we get our ideas from. What we do know is that we do not get them from our laptops.” – John Cleese Really, we have no greater tool for distribution and change than the computer (even the one in your pocket) and the net. It is beyond ridiculous how powerful it...
We think about fitness. But really, it’s technique. For 99.9% of those who will toe the start line, the first step is to inquire into the question of “how can I run more efficiently?” The marathon is 42.2km, and each foot will strike the ground maybe 20,000 times. Whenever we have this many repetitions of...
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