
As humans we are non-linear, chaotic organisms. Like the weather, or the stock market, when we change one of our inputs, we don’t always see the same direct change in outputs. Even so, when we want to repeat a process over and over – weightlifting, writing, idea generation, we can use a “routine” or a...
A lot of times when we are introduced to a new area – conscious breathing, meditation, movement, starting a business.. It is common to look straight towards the “advanced techniques.” Of course, this is usually fuelled by comparison (how are we going compared to the person next door – or self comparison, I’m good at...
How did the bulk of the exercise industry get here? Well, the calorie stripping, meal replacement and high intensity exercise combo is actually a fairly new thing. As the food supply chain and general activity levels decreased, and stress levels increased through environmental and lifestyle factors (and said food supply chain) we started to get...
Tension before Growth The tension before the growth can be difficult When we turn up at a new job, a new town, or hit a plateau in our work or our exercise. When we go through a rough patch in a relationship or in our business Sometimes if we push a little too much, it...
There’s a great trade to be had in terms of developing insights. Let’s call it the difficult trade. It’s turning up to the difficult class that you don’t like and you aren’t any good at, but know is beneficial It’s leaving your phone at home for the day It’s reaching out and connecting with someone...
The one strategy can only be awareness. To see a little more clearly. Maybe it’s our actions, our thoughts or our relationships. To pause, to use the breath as our friend, to come back to what’s happening and sometimes to ask for help or advice. As we do this together, our sense of connection grows....
As humans we are social creatures. We have these internal narratives that we want to fit in and we usually want to increase our “status” among our peers. Because these two narratives are so powerful for so many of us, and because we know this conditioning isn’t fixed, it makes our choice of environment and...
Before a big race or event, it’s been shown that a small amount of anxiety or excitation can help with performance. It might give us a percent or two, but comes at a cost. When we ramp the nervous system up with increased adrenaline and cortisol (mobilising hormones), we then shift further into a flight...
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