
Once you know who you want to connect with and serve, the changes you want to make and how you want to feel, And once you understand that you have the tools to start doing the work to feel this way and create this change already (like yesterday.. we need you… now) Then the place...
The end result, wrapped nicely in a box, please. Your profitable business, your new clients, your new movement… 8 weeks, 12 weeks etc to a specific result. A cheat sheet or downloadable. So, understandably, we let our attention go wherever it may, usually wherever the route seems the shortest. Interestingly though, the longer routes are...
Below is a post I wrote on the site, which is a breakdown of the breath, connection and contribution pillars. Of course, nothing is fixed. Each of us is different. Our work, our biology, our needs and wants, our directions all vary. BUT, We also do have certain areas that we can work on that...
To be in meditation is to be at peace and in connection with the entire universe. When we are considering, thinking, introspecting, we are not in meditation.  We might be sitting there, but still the mind is divided. So, it turns out that often we can use movement, training, dynamic meditation, walking, gardening, or other...
Sometimes, every so often – in a very rare event, I’ll talk about up-regulation of the autonomic nervous system.This is one of those times.Today I was walking in the park and decided to see if I still had a back tuck (back “flip”). I haven’t done this movement in months and I am not particularly...
The progression run is a type of training run. When I was getting ready for the Ironman races, and training endurance in general, there were three types of runs (mostly) that I would do: Long run, tempo run, intervals. The long run had a second variation – the “progression run.” This means that say for...
Intensity is the power transferred in a certain amount of area, space or activity. Power has a time element. It is the rate at which work is done. In physics or mechanics, a higher level of intensity can create more impact in a certain amount of time. This makes sense. In movement, relationships, connection, contribution...
Kelly Slater, 11 time world champion surfing legend, was recently on a podcast with Joe Rogan (found here). He is the oldest pro surfer on the tour (ever), now at 46 years old. “No-one’s ever been my age on tour.” The next oldest is 38 (and is retiring) I often state to friends that I...
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