
In a way, “fitness” is really remaining relaxed physiologically, when under physical load or stress. What we “see” is a change in breathing. To not have any fitness means to have low physical load (absolute, not relative) and be tense physiologically. We see this as “moving slow, breathing fast.” To move fast and breathe slow...
It turns out, that “grip strength” has a strong correlation for the ability to recruit strength in many other parts of the body. When we have a strong, closed grip, we have a circular effect outwards, including tension in our entire arm, shoulder and even trunk (try shaking someones hand with a maximal grip, but...
A catalyst is used to increase the speed (or lets say intensity as well) of the reaction. In our daily lives, we have the new bigger phone screen, louder, faster music, high intensity training, brighter lights, the watch on your wrist that gives you phone updates. The dampener is typically used to reduce the intensity...
When you try the experience once, there’s an initial impression. But, it might take 100 or 200 practices before you feel the deeper layers of it. The bit that everyone talks about. A lot of people try something once, but usually, we need to commit to more of a trial “period” and, if it’s a...
“If you activate forced exhalation muscles, you not only are inviting the activation of the stress response, but also are locking the spine.” A little bit from a workshop yesterday from Simon Borg-Olivier. So the fitness industry has an interesting paradox. Yes the “six pack” is more evident when body fat percentage is down. But,...
FOMO is the fear of missing out. Missing a work email, missing a social media update. Or, it could be the fear of missed opportunities – different ways/styles of training, different work you could be doing. FOMO is short game. JOMO is a new spin. This is the “joy” of missing out. Being content with...
In studies looking at voluntary breathing frequency changes (“ramps”), Stankovski et al noticed a difference in a number of physiological factors whether a subject was in a fast-to-slow or a slow-to-fast ramp. “We posit the existence of a memory within human autonomic pathways, such that the history of how breathing frequency changes occur, may be...
Just a quick one today. We have our first pilot round of Breathe Fit, a one of a kind 4 week online course on breathing. I’ve partnered with my friend and mentor Cole Clayton to create this one – Cole has been working with the breath, coaching both adults and kids with breathing for almost...
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