
Personally or professionally, there is no real difference. We live in relationship. “Relationship is an extremely rich and viable part of practice, especially when you are able to use it as a mirror, so that you always see yourself in it.” – Larry Rosenberg As we learn to use our projects in our work or...
In a culture that is fuelled by the concept of growth, success, and purpose, it can be easy to become myopic. It is tempting to only focus on the “1% better,” transformations, self improvements and latest productivity hacks. We can quickly de-humanise the situation. Then we have the concept of resilience… How do we stand...
The end of the morning yoga class, the start of day in which we can practice mindfulness The end of the month, the start of the new month of opportunity. The end of the weekend, the start of Monday morning where we can create. In running races, there’s a natural tendency to “push” hard up...
“If you are listening with all kinds of prejudices, that is a wrong way of listening; it is really a way of not listening. You appear to be listening, but you are only hearing not listening.” – OSHO When we are going through turbulent times, often we just want to be heard. But it’s more...
To work “out” is to expend energy, express capacity, to stimulate and to expand. If there are adequate resources*, this stimulus is the stimulus for growth, change and adaptation. To work “in” is to accumulate energy and to re-vitalise. While the stimulus sparks the adaptation, the “working in,” or the restorative process facilitates the adaptation....
When you see sirens in your rear view mirror, it tends to heighten state. We’ve been conditioned that those flashing lights and those specific noises means something is happening – be alert. It turns out, each activity we do or engage in creates an experience. And that all of these experiences can impact our state...
Resistance is born from seriousness. When we stall on our project, when we hold back on calling that person, when we avoid showing up the way we could, we do so ultimately because of fear. There might be a lot of other ways of describing this fear – I’m too tired, I got distracted, I...
First we focus on energy. Energy production, awareness, becoming your own power source. The Energy Generation module of the Access Potential Academy program has six components – Breath, Perception, Nourishment and then Urgency, Necessity and Impeccability. Half of these are focused more on the physiology – our body, our being. The other half though, are...
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