
Physiologically, we exist very differently in Winter*. Unlike many animals that hibernate, we keep going at full speed. Our main task then is to keep the metabolism firing, while being mindful of the seasonal and energetic shift. Many people find Winter very difficult, their metabolism is compromised even in Summer, so when the cold comes,...
I can’t do that! I’m not ready for that! Sure, often that’s the case. We need our progressions, we need to develop the foundations. However, sometimes, we need to bridge that gap. There WILL be a time when the thought still exists, but you move through it. What would happen if we could see through...
I was fortunate to have been introduced to the work of Paul Chek early on in my “fitness” journey. On one of his courses, he talked of his “I, We, All” concept. In short, this states that we cannot love another (“We”), or truly relate with another, until we have connect with, and learned to...
As we progress forward technologically, we have dropped many of our rhythms. Our seasonal rhythm was down-graded when air conditioning became popular from the early 1950’s. Our daily (circadian) rhythm was down-graded when commerce went global and the internet connected us all together. Over the past 100 years, our default mode has been to lose a...
When we exercise and consider the breath, there are two ways to go: – Change the way you breathe to suit the task. So if the effort escalates, so does the breath. This would be seen in a hard run or a workout that is “For time.” For example: “Run from A to B, then...
Today I have a video for you. I created this yesterday when I was out walking Luna and getting the evening light. In this 6 minute clip, I talk through the context of the unplugged retreats, how they came to be and I’m also offering up 5 spots for a one-on-one call with anyone interested...
When people catch a cold, they often blame their kids, someone at work. When we sustain an injury from our training, or at work, we often over-emphasise the final incident when the injury “happened.” The recency bias is when people more prominently emphasise recent events and observations than those in the more distant past. We...
The one day retreat.  At home, or away. Self led, or guided. Some meditation, or just quiet. Once per month: no phones, no computers, no hard training, no shopping centres, no city driving. These are a great way to round off the end of a month. Not because we want to “reflect,” “improve” or “self-develop,” but...
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