
As we progressed in the technological revolution, as websites, screens, marketing and phones have become louder and brighter, with more alerts, we’ve largely gone along for the ride in other areas as well, including training. “High intensity” has not just been the theme of how many have exercised over the last decade, but how they’ve lived...
There are a number of hyperventilation “breath work” protocols around. These involve breathing fast for a period, then often a period of breath holding, then repeating this process. What do we know about exhalation? It is our main way to “get rid of” carbon dioxide. In 1986, Djarova et al studied trained subjects with either...
I’ve spend several years in competition based sports – running, triathlon, CrossFit etc. The main driver in these sports is self-improvement, or, improvement over others. I was “winning” my category in a number of races, but then the target kept shifting. Each position is never enough. Eventually, I had to throw out this approach all...
The default mode network is active during daydreaming, thinking about others, the past, the future and more. Many describe it as the part of the brain that gives us the sense of “self.” The DMN has also been shown to be negatively correlated with other networks in the brain such as attention networks. It has been...
With exercise, we never prescribe exactly the same stimulus (exercise, sets, reps and weight) for an entire group of people. There is always some level of adjustment. So why would we do it with the breath? This leads to one significant problem that can sometime arise when working with others using the breath – either for...
There’s a scientific paper to support most theories on why we should do one thing or another. There’s also a marketing campaign that will leave you wanting more of almost any product. If you want to engage, there’s an invitation to partake, improve in and compete in any sport, business or hobby that you can imagine....
Sleep 8 hours, drink 2.75L of water per day, walk 10,000steps. As awareness drops, we need more guidelines and rules. When the race cars are tuned before, during and after a race, they likely don’t need lights on the dash board for a blocked particulate filter or blown tail light.  When I worked on F/A-18...
Carlos Castenada writes that according to the sorcerer don Juan, to live impeccably, means to live through function, rather than goals or ideals, to try your absolute hardest, and then try a little more. In Suzuki’s Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, he states: “When you bow, you should just bow; when you sit, you should just sit; when...
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