
“You cannot be creative unless someone is pushing you off a cliff somewhere.” – Jozef Frucek, Fighting Monkey When your back is to the cliff, there is both urgency, and necessity. Urgency in that we have to act. Now. And necessity in that it’s of the highest priority. Life and death. There is also a...
Fear and hesitation have a rightful place. As survival mechanisms, they’ll often kick in subconsciously and instantaneously. They help us avoid dangerous situations or at least bring caution, which gives us some time to think. In 2019 though, we often find here we have an almost inverted signal in much of our work and even...
Freedivers often use some specific “training” tables to train their breath holding abilities. These are set breath hold times with specific rest intervals that increase CO2 tolerance among other things. On the other side of the coin, free diving and spearfishing themselves both will increase breath hold abilities. There is value in the incidental gains...
When we drill to the core of a movement, conversation or even behaviour, we often find an interesting question around utility and workability. What is this actually for? Is it actually as workable as I think it is? There is some utility in being able to run a marathon in sub 3 hours. However, there...
In most of the breathing workshops, after a short introduction, we simply stand there. You can try this now if you like, it’s helpful to have enough space around you so that you feel relaxed. If your shoes have a heel, they need to come off. Five minutes is a good starting point. We close...
If you are stranded on a desert island with a small community of people, there is no place for a stop-watch. In these pro-survival situations, the non-compete clause comes out. We don’t need to “race” in our work or our “fitness” with a clock. There’s no upside to additional strain, it is better to connect...
Often coaches point out the absurdity of some parts of the fitness or diet industry. Crazy diet trends, the pointless tiny isolation exercises or “spot reduction” techniques that simply won’t work. The thing is, the market is always right. Or, put another way, the culture dictates everything. There have been very few times where what...
In 2009, I was hanging out with a lot of pro triathletes. I was lucky to learn a lot about the sport in this time. Over the years, I “adapted” to a high volume of load, or stimulus while trying to “hang on” to these people in training sessions. One of the hardest and most...
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