
The body and nervous system doesn’t operate linearly. Our heart rates, brain waves and even stride-lengths are governed by non-linear dynamics: they are “fractal,” or “chaotic” in nature. In fact, when our heart rate or brain wave variability decreases, or becomes MORE linear, then this is a sign of overtraining, sickness (or even a pre-cursor...
You may be on a diet, a path, a journey which is serving you well at the moment. If it is based on a fixed idea or model it will eventually of course come to a point that it won’t work. It will falter. There ultimately is conflict between any fixed model and actual reality,...
Not everything is visible.  Exercise, skill development, in work/business, these all have a lot of “behind the scenes” progress which can be made. On our journey then, after training, or a days work, rather than look at how many hours or time spent, or look for only visual outcome, we can ask ourselves how much...
When we talk about forming habits, we hear terms like “self motivated.” “Intrinsic reward” is another one. This means that we do the activity (which is hopefully serving us!) automatically, or for simply the value it adds to us, or because it feels good. Don’t discount the extrinsic reward or external motivation. For the habit...
Overnight, we are in a fasted state. We wake up and cortisol (a necessary, but potentially damaging when chronic stress hormone) is peaking at dawn. According to Dr. Ray Peat, PhD, darkness itself is anti-thyroid, or anti-metabolic, and hence at dawn, this stressful state peaks. If you ask paramedics or ambulance drivers, they’ll also tell...
Kind of like money, we often put fitness, training, body composition on a pedestal.  It’s a physical, visual representation of our whole selves that we present to the world.  However, deep down, we know the true gold in life is Connection. We feel this in moments we share with others, or with nature. When we...
There are a few different areas that we want to develop or maintain: Strength, mobility, power, accuracy, coordination…  We can use movement to build new neural pathways, to add complexity. However, we can also build new neural pathways through learning a new language, or simply walking observantly in nature.. actually, through any environmentally enriched experience....
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