
Physiologically, we pass through the first gate of energy with our inputs, our food, breath, sleep, light, movement. We are learning to become our own power source. Infinitely simple, yet increasingly complex as we try to weave this through the fabric of an urban landscape, a decline of the food supply and modern habits. The...
When we learn of the importance of natural breathing, including the impact it can have on health, wellbeing, sleep and emotions, we have some options. Often, we look for the most efficient or direct. We are busy. A short practice here, a guided class there. It’s helpful, yet there is also more. Music is one...
Bathophobia is the fear of deep water. It stems from the greek work bathios, which means deep or depth. With its cousin, acrophobia, or the fear of heights, there is a logical reasoning – we are higher, so there is more gravitational potential energy. We literally have more potential to fall. With bathophobia though, there...
Learned Helplessness is when an animal believes it can’t escape from a stressful situation, and it’s heart slows down instead of accelerating.  Usually in a stressful situation, the heart rate would race – but in a trapped situation, over a period of time, it will slow down.  Given too much stress, it would actually stop. ...
When I talk about leadership, I’m talking about you and also to you. You seek change, you have the ability to be creative and the ability to lean into discomfort. For some people, this ability is more practiced, and for others, they are just beginning. However, leadership is there for anyone who wants it. When...
In the Access Potential Academy personal and professional development program, I don’t run a Facebook Group.* Here are some numbers and maybe you can see why: In Australia, in 2016, Australians spent an average of 46 hours per week looking at a screen, but just six hours with family and friends. In 2018, you spent...
In Physics, the Observer effect is the theory that by simply observing a situation, we change the situation itself. When we talk about breath work, we have two options – we can be “active” in the practice – we can change the breathing, or, We can be “passive” in the practice – we can simply...
A little video today on intentional choosing, or more specifically, “choosing” to begin, start, act (or not to act) (If you are reading in your email provider, click on the email title above to take you to the post and the video.) I use these questions with myself and people I work with to help...
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