
In the late 90’s there was a mobile phone game called “snake.” In “Snake” we navigated the journey of the snake within some fixed boundaries by changing direction only, without being able to stop it. Once the game started, it didn’t stop until it was over. In a similar way, our habit formation process is...
In March, we are starting the first round of the Access Potential Academy. This is a peer-to-peer, workshop style program for men, in which we have small projects throughout the year to level up personally and professionally. We are creating a stable, system of deep understanding, action and accountability. This is powerful. It is often...
Just do these three things. All you have to do is fill in your details, apply it to your situation and voila. Of course, this doesn’t work, for three reasons: It doesn’t help us overcome our fear that we have of doing it wrong, of failing, of being critisized and of doing the work each...
The Default Effect is a cognitive bias that can influence our decision making and actions. The Default Effect: “When given a choice between several options, the tendency to favour the default one.” This is common when filling out forms, or when using a new device (phone, computer) – we typically tend towards the “default” settings....
After going fairly deep with high volume endurance sports for a couple of years there, experiencing the life of the “elite athlete” first hand, then doing a few years of research, I don’t recommend doing this type of training due to the negative health effects (a complete blog post or book in itself.) For me,...
Injuries are an ever-present “risk” or part of “doing” anything and also a potential risk even if we choose to sit on the couch. Between 1999 and 2013, there was a study on cases seen by Victorian (Australia) emergency departments that included injuries caused by or at “fitness” institutions. Overall, 2,873 cases (injuries) were identified...
When we come to a new class, start a new program, or even say Yes to something outside of our realm of what’s ordinary, we notice it. It might be hesitation, a sudden feeling of tiredness, a deep desire to do more and more “research” or reading, to get more information, or a running a...
“Sound meditation” – almost a bombardment of sound waves onto the body. The water molecules in the body itself actually vibrate or resonate with different frequencies. This, can be healing. It is a rich experience. Listening meditation is quite different. It is the receptive form. The passive form. In a world that is dominated by...
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