
In 2003, when I started at University, the secret weapon was still consumption. “Online” bandwidth was limited and slow, so it was a valuable commodity – the bottleneck that we all lined up behind to “develop” ourselves intellectually and even culturally (movies, music). Now, the pendulum has swung. Bandwidth and information is in abundance. Overwhelm....
There’s an abundance of peer pressure to join something new, or peer pressure to quit that and join something else. There’s peer pressure to over-work, over-train, over-drink and over-think. But what about peer pressure to keep connecting, to keep contributing? What if you seek out people who care as much about you as you do...
The minimum role of the follower (or maybe employee) might be to follow a system, an operating procedure for maintaining order. The leader welcomes the unknown and disorder. They are creative. They move forward, even though they see the fear. It may be with your self or it may be among others, but if you...
To keep studying how to unravel the knots beyond a point doesn’t help. Researching how to unravel a different knot can just fill the mind with more information – another knot! We can notice the breathing and let the knots exist. Feel their full tension, their full grip on the entire being. Patiently. Letting go...
That buzz from the meditation retreat That glow from the yoga class Is it what you are doing in these restorative endeavours? Or, is it what you are not doing? If the fact that we have taken away distractions, TV, social media, meetings and traffic could contribute even 10% of the impact these types of...
As we move, we start to cultivate carbon dioxide (carbonic acid) in the body. One of two things will happen – we either need to switch to mouth breathing as we look to “expel” the elevated carbon dioxide, or, we slow down the movement. The CO2 “dump” is when we are mostly nasal breathing in...
Typically, we live through the past. We exist as a sort of collection of past experiences that have come through our sensory inputs, feeding into biases and memories, which help us to articulate our current environment and reality in some approximate way. A narrative. Because of the narrative, it’s hard to see things as they...
Love yourself and watch — today, tomorrow, always. – Gautama Buddha Self love is often either ignored completely, or spoken about in round-about terms when suitable, then seemingly forgotten. For some, the wording might be difficult, so perhaps self-acceptance or compassion may better, although ultimately these have different meanings. However, to be in meditation, in...
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