
I was sitting in San José international airport in Costa Rica. I was flying “standby” for a two week surf trip because my friend worked for Qantas (that trip is another story…). Anyway I looked up and saw some TV screens playing a triathlon. It was a replay of the Hawaii Ironman triathlon World Champs....
“That being so, so what now?” Yes there are difficulties, you join the gym or yoga classes and it’s early, you are stiff, you can’t lift the same weights as someone else, you have a lot of work on, your mindset or energy feels “off,” the other people applying for the job are more qualified.....
When you are out of time, you’d better start taking action. When you’re late to a meeting, behind on work, or when you run out of resources for your project, there’s no option except to innovate, to create urgency. The other side of the coin though is moving from capacity. Because there is opportunity to...
We can ask both intellectual and physical questions. What do you think of this situation? How can you move in this situation? When we are comfortable in a situation and yet still wanting to make improvements, the practice of asking better questions is often all that we need.
Is a hoax. It does not work. Well, for me anyway (and, I haven’t seen it done powerfully yet) And, I did try – yesterday I took my laptop – I can work “remotely” you see – so I took my laptop out, the sun was shining, I set up on a bench by the...
Eddie Aikau was the first official lifeguard at Waimea Bay in Hawaii. He was also known globally as a formidable big wave surfer. There is a saying that became popular: “Eddie would go,” which refers to the energy and courage he had to take on big waves that others would avoid, or shy away from...
In first year uni, I catastrophically failed a physics exam. I came in fresh from school, I was still 17. It was a physics mid-term paper, worth about 30% of the final mark for the course. Almost our entire year group failed. I think I got 40% or so. This was the first test I...
In a culture that is fuelled by the concept of growth, success, and purpose, it can be easy to become myopic. It is tempting to only focus on the “1% better,” transformations, self improvements and latest productivity hacks. We can quickly de-humanise the situation. Then we have the concept of resilience… How do we stand...
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