
This isn’t an actual defined bias or true cognitive effect. It’s one that I made up. Understanding that at any one time our involvement with our social circles, our jobs, our friends is influencing our decisions, our fears and our actions can be powerful. Through spending time alone (“Dr. Quiet”), going on retreats, or shutting...
It’s not secret that I love skill development. Handstands, ring work etc.. So, why so much interest in the breath? Between breath and our approach to how we eat, we have two very powerful tools to bridge from the conscious to subconscious mind. ANY skill, movement, strength element, project all are impacted by our skill to observe...
There is the masculine energy – the giving, the speaking, the growth, the expansion, the doing. Then there is the feminine energy – the receiving, the rest, the listening, the contraction. Often, when we thing of creating something new – an idea, learning a movement, a business, we envisage whiteboards, brain-storming, researching, writing programs, practicing…...
We get “good” at the skill through being terrible at it. To only “begin” once we feel we are proficient, is really a form of resistance – it is really to never begin. This trap doesn’t just catch us in the physical realm (“I can’t do mobility work because I’m too tight…” “I don’t do...
In my last Breath and Mind Workshop at Jungle Brothers, I talked about “neuroception” – how we can alter our sub-conscious “perception” of our environment and our actions. When I have worked or trained alongside professional athletes, the one word that I keep coming back to is “composure.”  The professional does the easy task impeccable...
In distance running, how we run makes a huge impact on total time. Our posture and mechanics are far more important than aerobic fitness or VO2 max. Of course, this is the story in a lot of sports/athletic pursuits, but with distance running we have so many repetitions that the difference can be astounding. Most...
Yesterday I visited the mighty Jungle Brothers Strength and Movement gym in Sydney to run a workshop. What an amazing crew. If you are in the Sydney area, definitely worth checking these guys out. Together, we all dove deep into the concept of breath attention, breath work, awareness of breathing and how we can use...
In action, we are occupied. Yes, we are completing work, but we are also are locked in. In inaction, we are open. Of course, nothing is getting done, but we are free to choose where we move next. The blend of course is the balance of action/inaction. Do and be. Work and rest. Easy to...
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