
At University, I studied Aerospace Engineering.  We learned all about flight dynamics, aircraft design, composites, fluid dynamics, structural repairs… However, the theory that we were taught is largely based on what’s called “Linear Dynamics” – these problems are fairly simple to solve. Basically, we were using an approximation of true reality in order to solve...
It has been shown that breath attention reduces activity of the brains Default Mode Network (“DMN”), which is associated with the wandering mind (self-referencing, futurising, anxiety and others..) It has also been shown that in long term practitioners, this extends beyond just the practice itself. So, what we have is a positive benefit that is...
When we are looking to create a shift, a change in behaviour, a change in a group or culture, they are hard. Slow, difficult, unfamiliar and with no apparent payoff any time soon, a change in habits can be a clunky thing. Often, this clunkiness is enough to stop many people ever changing. We fall...
When we go to start a business, learn the handstand, reach a certain level of strength, there are a number of ways we can set out. We can just start. That seems to be the fastest. It’s surely the shortest distance between point A and B. Or we can pause for a second. We can...
Breathing practices, morning routines, certain foods – tools to consciously increase vitality or our awareness. I call these our allies (or tools) What and who we surround ourselves with consciously or more often, subconsciously, during the day (and night!) is our environment.  Sometimes you’re in the shower and notice a song in your head –...
The addition method – creating a new task, starting a new program, developing a new habit. The subtraction method – reviewing which 10-20% of the tasks you are doing, or ways your are living which aren’t serving you and simply stopping. Yes we may need to “overwrite” the bad habit with something else. Yes it might...
If you decide you want to get from Sydney to Melbourne, to a point, any car will really do.  In a 1985 Toyota corolla, a bus, or a Ford ranger 4×4, as long as you have fuel, you’ll make it. You have defined the nature of the journey (to get from Sydney to Melbourne) In...
Instead of the “training,” “fitness,” “movement” or the health journey as a whole being the thing, What if it’s not about the movement? Or, if you prefer, what if it’s about more than the movement. What happens if we use the movement, training and maintenance and development of the physical body as a tool, or...
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