
The exclamation mark above is important. Once we are grounded, developed physical resilience, have moved through fears of belonging or security, we move up to the solar plexus chakra. Our centre. In the chakra system, this is the power centre for personal power, self-will (and physically, digestion and assimilation) When the solar plexus is balanced,...
The “better” we get at something, the more watchful we need to be. Our belief system cements, we “dial in” our process. The potential to be side-swiped by completely new information or an approach that is far superior is smaller, but the repercussions if it does happen are greater. We have more emotional energy “invested”...
A main thing to be watchful of is the creation of conflict in the mind. When we are on a path, then we feel we “should” do something else, or “should” be doing it differently, instantly we have conflict. The conflicted mind is frustrated and unfortunately, there are plenty of opportunities to engage in this...
“You can’t shoot a canon out of a canoe.” This is a saying in the strength and conditioning world. It means you need to have a strong “core” or midline, so that you can develop power at the extremities (legs etc). You can’t do isolation exercises at the legs and arms and neglect the trunk...
There is one main reason people get into exercise, movement, training – whatever.. That is to change. To lose weight, to get stronger, leaner, faster. The motivational drive. Typically it is a move away from fear engagement. That’s awesome – it is completely valid and a great way to start the journey. At some point...
These take us well beyond the “beginners curve,” right into elite levels. They usually won’t take us to “World Championship” level, as a single-pointed focus then becomes fairly key. 1. It’s not really “rapid.” On any given day, we need patience. Patience to hold back, to learn, to adapt, to remain alert. Yes it’s “rapid”...
So, it looks like my scheduled post didn’t go out yesterday. Well, here is something to make up for it. This is a free download of a short audio track featuring a C-Note Crystal sound bowl. As most people know, the sum total of musical bones in my body is zero. This is suitable for...
The art of relaxation – “Relaxare” – to “release.” Not just to band-aid the problem, but to let go. We know that when we move beyond tension, when we let go into relaxation, we recover faster, learn better, remember and connect more. But what if we can’t do it? What happens if we try, but...
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