
There are gyms, personal trainers and gym owners, and then there are guys like Vik. Vik and his wife Sarah own and run an amazing gym in Sydney’s Northern Suburbs.  We were fortunate to spend some time with them recently on our second unplugged Expedition Retreat. The energy they brought was amazing.  Vik is not only...
The entropy, or disorder, of any system always increases when in isolation. Things fall apart. Chaos. To be in “balance” then is really a false idea To be in balance is really to be aware enough to be able to “respond” and then adjust. Usually, we react. But a set reaction won’t work, as each...
Recently we had a new sink unit put in at the gym. There were 5 or 6 tradesmen there to do the job. Most were watching while two worked. When they left, there were foot prints and dust everywhere. There had been a small effort to tidy up, but the clean up process after they finished...
Well, we are always starting out, we never get anywhere. But still, a few things to consider in terms of the “health and fitness” journey: – We constantly are getting brainwashed/conditioned/confused by media, education, society. The right foods, the right exercise, the right job… This brainwashing is a given – We can’t know what to do...
So what sort of power are you averaging? What are you holding when you’re just tapping out tempo? “It’s around 310 watts (a measure of bike power output) for a period of over four hours – or whatever it was, four hours 12 minutes.* This was Cameron Wurf talking to an interviewer about his effort...
The action is clear: Show up, put in the effort in a mindful, consistent manner.  Slowly learn, modify and implement lifestyle factors that are proven to be effective. However, despite often knowing exactly what it is we need to do, we’ll often find ourselves down a deep, dark rabbit hole looking for more information. The...
Yesterday I made a trip down to the hot springs on the Mornington Peninsula.  This is about an hour away. We went on a Wednesday. I thought it would be fairly quiet. The pools were rammed. Like sardines we squeezed into the hot baths with travellers from all over the place.  I love to watch...
“Performance” seems to be a hot topic. Brands like 2XU, sports supplement brands, shoe technology… these guys have it covered. For whom are you performing? For many, this little thoguht seed turns into a sprint. A 90 day plan for performance, or to “level up” the output. However, a sprint is nothing if you are...
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