
Like anything, we can look at the breath in a lot of different contexts. From a physiological perspective, in our training, in our sleep, in meditation, from a developmental perspective, a mental/emotional perspective..  It seems never ending. Where do we start? How about simply with awareness. With watching? For me, it was when I was...
There are numerous benefits to training with resistance, or increasing lean muscle mass through strength training. Lean muscle mass is in itself metabolic and passively burns body fat. However, there are a few guidelines to work with to ensure that the stress or “load” of the training is managable and that the results are long...
Top level performers face a huge number of stressors. As the level of “competition” goes up, it seems so does the stress. Scanlan et aI. (1991) interviewed 26 former national-championship figure skaters in order to identify the stressors encountered during the most competitive phase of their career. The sources of stress were categorised under five...
To change the mind requires awareness. It is more difficult (because it is more confused), but it can be non-linear. It can be instantaneous. To change the body is more simple, as the body is just the follower. However, the body takes its time, it is mechanical. In 2009 I raced at the Hawaii Ironman...
Physiologically, we exist very differently in Winter*. Unlike many animals that hibernate, we keep going at full speed. Our main task then is to keep the metabolism firing, while being mindful of the seasonal and energetic shift. Many people find Winter very difficult, their metabolism is compromised even in Summer, so when the cold comes,...
I can’t do that! I’m not ready for that! Sure, often that’s the case. We need our progressions, we need to develop the foundations. However, sometimes, we need to bridge that gap. There WILL be a time when the thought still exists, but you move through it. What would happen if we could see through...
I was fortunate to have been introduced to the work of Paul Chek early on in my “fitness” journey. On one of his courses, he talked of his “I, We, All” concept. In short, this states that we cannot love another (“We”), or truly relate with another, until we have connect with, and learned to...
Today I have a video for you. I created this yesterday when I was out walking Luna and getting the evening light. In this 6 minute clip, I talk through the context of the unplugged retreats, how they came to be and I’m also offering up 5 spots for a one-on-one call with anyone interested...
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