
Sleep 8 hours, drink 2.75L of water per day, walk 10,000steps. As awareness drops, we need more guidelines and rules. When the race cars are tuned before, during and after a race, they likely don’t need lights on the dash board for a blocked particulate filter or blown tail light.  When I worked on F/A-18...
Carlos Castenada writes that according to the sorcerer don Juan, to live impeccably, means to live through function, rather than goals or ideals, to try your absolute hardest, and then try a little more. In Suzuki’s Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, he states: “When you bow, you should just bow; when you sit, you should just sit; when...
Today, the distraction potential of phones, computers, social media, addictive food etc is phenomenal. Once we see this, we realise that sometimes to get the outcome we want, we need to create an environmental intervention. If we need focus, we use tools to eliminate distraction. If we are trying to change the way we eat,...
The bandwagon effect is in full swing. This is a common cognitive bias. It influences mass markets and crowd behaviour.  The Bandwagon effect includes the the tendency to do (or believe) things just because many other people do (or believe) the same. What are our available protective strategies? Firstly it has to be the [ability...
“So, how do I “lose weight” If I shouldn’t do fasting, keto, or low-carb?… Plus you say don’t do endurance sports or HIIT.. What do I do?” Great questions.  The first thing to consider is that we must come from abundance. We know that our muscle mass, when at rest, prefers fat for fuel. We...
We can do exactly what we want when we are alone. If everything goes to plan, the project, workout or meal we are making will come out just as we like it. Often though, this isn’t how the magic happens. Although external influences have the potential to derail us from what we had pictured in...
The “now,” rather than the “later.” The future value of the now can be exponential.  The downside of the later can be catastrophic. The action in the now is one of attention, the shift to the later is often one of distraction. Of course, we have priorities, but today we also have a society of...
The simplest filter. In a world pivoting on social media, comparison, “growth” and “hustle,” we often find ourselves feeling conflicted. We consciously and subconsciously place ever increasing demands on our physical and emotional selves. We do this while also decreasing resources, such as food quantity and quality, sleep and rest. So, knowing that we too...
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