
The end of the morning yoga class, the start of day in which we can practice mindfulness The end of the month, the start of the new month of opportunity. The end of the weekend, the start of Monday morning where we can create. In running races, there’s a natural tendency to “push” hard up...
You can’t. You can automate your emails, your blogs, your client on boarding processes… You can use social media to keep up with friends and family… You can even send a video of your dog to a friend in a message. But you still aren’t coming close to the emotional effort that is required (and...
To work “out” is to expend energy, express capacity, to stimulate and to expand. If there are adequate resources*, this stimulus is the stimulus for growth, change and adaptation. To work “in” is to accumulate energy and to re-vitalise. While the stimulus sparks the adaptation, the “working in,” or the restorative process facilitates the adaptation....
Learned knowledge is an attempt to overcome the future with the past. From the classroom, the text book or the literature or paper – we pop out standing tall, and bring an arsenal of facts, figures and beliefs that equip us to tackle the problems of today. This posture feels powerful. Maybe we got an...
We are used to a 60 minute timeframes. If it’s a group meeting, the first 20 are typically gone with late arrivals, banter and a general lack of intent. Even with some level of focus, this is typically long enough to catch up on a few things, but rarely enough for high power, deeper work....
First we focus on energy. Energy production, awareness, becoming your own power source. The Energy Generation module of the Access Potential Academy program has six components – Breath, Perception, Nourishment and then Urgency, Necessity and Impeccability. Half of these are focused more on the physiology – our body, our being. The other half though, are...
“You cannot be creative unless someone is pushing you off a cliff somewhere.” – Jozef Frucek, Fighting Monkey When your back is to the cliff, there is both urgency, and necessity. Urgency in that we have to act. Now. And necessity in that it’s of the highest priority. Life and death. There is also a...
It’s easy to downplay the things that are happening right in front of our nose: climate change, the beginning of the financial crises, a rift forming in a relationship or friendship is starting to go sideways. It is equally easy to downplay the potential impact that we can have as an individual in these situations....
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