
The right amount is better. A lot of gyms, coaches, personal trainers will really look to make it clear to the client that they did a work-out. Lying on the floor drained after a session, intense muscle soreness for days. This stuff makes it clear to the client that the trainer “did” something. They got...
Often, we try an exercise program, we fail. We try the handstand, we fail. We try a small business venture or side project, it fails. We try to sit and meditate, (it feels like) we fail. We are experts in learning, yet our strike rate is often terrible. Learning though, by default must be comprised of...
In horse racing, blinkers (or “blinders”) are often worn by the horses. It is believed that these cup-type devices, which don’t allow the horses to see what is behind them (or often to the side), help them perform. The trainers believe that the blinkers keep the horses focused on what is in front, making sure...
For long term results, we need long term action. The thing is, if whatever it is you are trying to do is out of alignment with what you want to be doing, or what you enjoy, then the lifespan is limited. Even if we know something is good for us, if we don’t enjoy it,...
Training in the physical domain gives us some great insights. We seek to learn new movements, positions, and patterns. When we bridge the gap with something new, things get messy, yet inevitably, many people fear and avoid mess. So, in order to move forward, we have a balance. We can set the intention of “precision,” do...
With so much readily available information, people have an insatiable desire to learn. To find out more. To “get more info.”  The opposite of this is the direct route. To practice, or to lean by feel. The research learning is a cultivation of borrowed knowledge, a collection. The practicing is the creation of your own...
In many circles, carbon dioxide is thought to be simply a waste product of our metabolism. However, it turns out that carbon dioxide is an incredibly important compound and if we breathe incorrectly, then we can create an imbalance (shortage) of CO2, leading to a number of health issues. So, we have the potential to...
Progress isn’t linear. For the long game pursuits: mindfulness or our physical training practice for example, change can also be slow. In fact, not being able to see day to day progress is almost what makes them long game and so worthwhile.  However, 6 months, one year, 3 years, 10 years down the line, we look...
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