
The first thing to realise is you have been and are conditioned daily by inputs: your peers, by gurus, by  corporations. Via direct contact, experiences or social media. This creates who you have come to be. When we are NOT getting results, we need to question our exposure to these inputs, which in turn influence...
There’s the event, the stimulus, the information, the thought. Then there’s the space. Right after the event, before the next thought or words have time to emerge. The space in between. Individually, this is where we heal and grow. Collectively, this is where we connect. The space in between is where the power is.  
Many people walk in the door with pain. The have accepted it, or become conditioned to it. Most times if asked about any injuries or pain, they’ll say “no,” not because they are trying to hide it, but because they forget – it’s always there. Often they’ll blame the pain in an acute incident, a...
I am seeing social media as a huge potential dampener to progression in a lot of people’s health and fitness journeys. Yes, it allows trainers and coaches to showcase their work and advertise, potentially helping you “find” a place to train. Yes, it has possibly allowed greater connection (in a false, often fleeting and virtual...
There’s a lot around morning routines. “How it starts is how it ends” is a popular one. Well, that’s the full story for some Here’s why I find it to really be more like half the story The morning routine is often touted as the “productivity tool.”  Well, when you are prioritising Connection as well,...
The body and nervous system doesn’t operate linearly. Our heart rates, brain waves and even stride-lengths are governed by non-linear dynamics: they are “fractal,” or “chaotic” in nature. In fact, when our heart rate or brain wave variability decreases, or becomes MORE linear, then this is a sign of overtraining, sickness (or even a pre-cursor...
You may be on a diet, a path, a journey which is serving you well at the moment. If it is based on a fixed idea or model it will eventually of course come to a point that it won’t work. It will falter. There ultimately is conflict between any fixed model and actual reality,...
Not everything is visible.  Exercise, skill development, in work/business, these all have a lot of “behind the scenes” progress which can be made. On our journey then, after training, or a days work, rather than look at how many hours or time spent, or look for only visual outcome, we can ask ourselves how much...
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