
The chef brings creativity to their cooking. They create recipes. When I cook, I generally follow, or stick to recipes. I could try to create, but my knowledge of base level things such as matching ingredients, flavours or cooking methods is limited. To really make it worthwhile – to be able to improvise, would require...
We change habits, start on a new journey. We see others on the journey as well, so it makes sense to ask the question: “When?” When will the results come, when will I change, when will it get easier? Nobody knows. What we do know is, if you expect a timeframe, or have a cutoff...
When we talk about forming habits, we hear terms like “self motivated.” “Intrinsic reward” is another one. This means that we do the activity (which is hopefully serving us!) automatically, or for simply the value it adds to us, or because it feels good. Don’t discount the extrinsic reward or external motivation. For the habit...
Overnight, we are in a fasted state. We wake up and cortisol (a necessary, but potentially damaging when chronic stress hormone) is peaking at dawn. According to Dr. Ray Peat, PhD, darkness itself is anti-thyroid, or anti-metabolic, and hence at dawn, this stressful state peaks. If you ask paramedics or ambulance drivers, they’ll also tell...
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