
Often the topic of “connecting” to the people you want to work with comes up. How do I reach them? Of course, the first step is an empathy deep dive – understanding their world view and where do they hang out? What are they into? Second though, is to realise that we can connect passively,...
Feedback, when done well, is positive. It is pro-awareness, pro-growth. The term “negative” feedback seems to have gained some traction, and I actually wrote about it back here. Yet in reflection, the “negative” part of the word is misguided – a reaction or swing of the pendulum in response to the typical “sugarcoating” that stands...
What would you like to do? How would you like your relationship to look? How would you like your life to be? If you don’t have the target in your sights, it is unlikely you are going to hit it when you pull the trigger. For some people (this seems to be a minority), the...
When I write one blog post here, I can’t write another on that same day Do I just have one idea each day? Do you? No way. We have many. Here we have the concept of “choice,” I choose one idea, which means I can’t choose another. Then we have other choices while we go....
A book is a nice trade. For the price of a dinner, you’ve got something that could influence your life. I’ve had a few questions on some books recently, so I thought I’d post some of the recent titles that I’ve enjoyed personally. For this list, I’ve just included non-fiction. Some of these are a...
Reduced to its base, whenever you are overwhelmed by any emotion you lose all reason, you lose all sensitivity, you lose your heart in it. – OSHO Overwhelm is as real as it is made up. There is a physiological response – the heart rate, the breath, the tension… Yet there can often be no...
At different stages in my life, I’ve sat at varying positions on the coffee connoisseur spectrum. From particular single origin ristrettos to the $1 cups at the service station, I’ve been through all phases, in no real order. I do tend to make my coffee at home though. Two weeks ago, I purchased 2 bags...
Often coaches point out the absurdity of some parts of the fitness or diet industry. Crazy diet trends, the pointless tiny isolation exercises or “spot reduction” techniques that simply won’t work. The thing is, the market is always right. Or, put another way, the culture dictates everything. There have been very few times where what...
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