
On F-18’s there aren’t a lot of comforts – raw metal, rivets showing everywhere. On a lot of racing yachts, they don’t even paint some of the internal surfaces, in order to save weight. Since the iPhone 6, there has really been very little actual improvement, despite a bunch of added features. In our product,...
A term introduced in the 1980’s by a Buddhist teacher and physchotherapist John Welwood which describes the use of spiritual practices and ideas to side-step, or “bypass” un-resolved emotional issues or wounds. If we use meditation, yoga, plant medicines, crystals or other forms of a spiritual journey to avoid uncomfortable feelings or unresolved situations, this...
There is of course an infinite number of pursuits we could choose here. In each of these though, in particular if we begin as an adult, we find a common thread – these are vehicles for intense learning. In particular, we find progress is impossible without continually stumbling into four big pillars: Consistent, intentional effort...
Should I go to the gym today? If you’re tired and run down from a big weekend of travel, thinking about your work or your training this week and wondering what to do, then you have a generic situation on your hands. The headache and fatigue you have may feel unique, but it’s highly likely...
“Let your life speak.” What do you know to be true? What is your experience? What are your thoughts? For business owners, freelancers, practitioners or coaches, this is both scary, and powerful.* Creating work that embodies this knowledge and experience allows us stand out while we do work that we are proud of, with people...
Language allows us to discuss ideas, to uncover new areas of thought and to express. But it also can be a shackle and chains. In the same way it can open the door to reason, it can close the gap to wonder and to feeling. Through description, we liken, compare or contrast experiences to those...
This is a difficult topic to articulate, as we are dealing with terminology that can mean different things for different people. Either way, “Movement” as a sub-culture has certainly grown. There are now facilities that focus specifically on this broad approach to training or “practicing” and some of them are completely outside of the “fitness”...
A “top 5” practitioner is perhaps a service provider that is in the top 5% of their category. A trainer, a lawyer, a landscaper, a coach… With global connectivity and saturation in most fields effectively inevitable, a move towards the “top 5” seems to be a pre-requisite for long term success. Why are there so...
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