
Surfers long for uncrowded, perfect waves. Trips overseas, early morning, interstate drives… These are all common and are basically part of what it means to be a surfer. A couple of years ago, high end wave pools started to surface, such as Kelly Slater’s wave company Interestingly, like any disruptive movement in a culture, there...
When you start spearfishing, it’s usually pretty hard to get your first meal. For sure, you need to learn to use the breath holds, become familiar with the gear and the environment. But there is something else. Fish, like most other animals (including humans), have an acute neuroception – their ability to observe and assess...
There’s a way of presenting ourselves that is common with small business owners and managers, and it’s flavoured with hustle. It includes, but is not limited to emails overflowing with missing words and mistakes, shortcuts and abbreviations, being late to meetings or not showing up, over-committing, adding too many new things into the mix and...
We can define our own “power spots.” Stags and sea birds seem to do this well when they bask in the sun along the water. My dog Luna certainly knows where her power spots are also. Sometimes they are in the sun, sometimes shaded. Animals regularly have a particular affinity for certain exact locations. Defining...
In mechanics, when we have an object in motion – say sliding along a table, we have dynamic friction. This is the friction of one object sliding along the other. Both the mass of the object and the nature of the surfaces matter. When the object is at rest though, before it starts sliding, we...
Line fishing and spear-fishing have a similar outcome (dinner), but there’s a different dynamic going on. The biggest of which is the way we engage with the environment – the gap between being either above, or below the surface. With spearfishing, when you climb back into the boat after getting the fish, you’re sometimes asked...
“Wetted surface area” refers to the amount of surface area in a boat that’s “wet,” or under the water. We find that when we have more wetted surface area, we have more drag and it takes more effort for the boat to move forward.* With a lot of modern boats, similar to a surfboard, once...
If you don’t start surfing until you are 35, or if you’re a “late bloomer” to any new sport or activity, you may have a problem. Often people talk about this with language – it’s easier to learn (via immersion in particular) when you are young and the brain is developing. But there’s more. As...
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