
“Great results, can be achieved with small forces.” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War High frequency, low amplitude loading (or “forces”) can eventually take down an aeroplane. As the plane flies, loading isn’t even. There is wing flexion, air density changes, oscillations and prop rotations (for some). Each change in force is not that...
Bathophobia is the fear of deep water. It stems from the greek work bathios, which means deep or depth. With its cousin, acrophobia, or the fear of heights, there is a logical reasoning – we are higher, so there is more gravitational potential energy. We literally have more potential to fall. With bathophobia though, there...
In the Access Potential Academy personal and professional development program, I don’t run a Facebook Group.* Here are some numbers and maybe you can see why: In Australia, in 2016, Australians spent an average of 46 hours per week looking at a screen, but just six hours with family and friends. In 2018, you spent...
We “work well” with recognised patterns. Linearity – change the input and see an expected output. Familiar faces, places and behaviours and habits – we can relax, go into auto pilot. It allows “efficiency.” Chaos, is disruption. The cyclone that hits our everyday environment and causes us to stop. To really look. “Chaos should be...
A little video today on intentional choosing, or more specifically, “choosing” to begin, start, act (or not to act) (If you are reading in your email provider, click on the email title above to take you to the post and the video.) I use these questions with myself and people I work with to help...
For the modern love-warrior-traveler, in the battlefield of distraction and the pursuit of mastery, impeccability is key. Impeccability means to do your best today, then that will even look different again tomorrow, as you learn. Impeccable speech is right speech, to stay true to your word – to value integrity. Once this is created, then...
We embark on a mission to train “strength” right now on Sunday, Monday and Thursday. It’s about 75 minutes per session. Ruby and I train together. It’s fun: barbell work, bidyweight work, some accessory work. There are three things that all of these sessions have in common, for them to be a successful mission: Warmup,...
Don’t prepare. Begin. Our enemy is not lack of preparation. The enemy is resistance, our chattering brain producing excuses. Start before you are ready. – Steven Pressfield The roll into the New Year has come. In fact, the roll into the New Year is already gone. Have you begun? Or are you still preparing?
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