
I’m not a dietician or nutritionist. Yet I am a fan of ways to boost the metabolic rate and energy production. From there we can feel good, have great immunity, great energy, feel more powerful and vibrant, and generally remain healthy. How we eat, how we move, how we breathe – are big players in...
Sometimes people believe that you need to have an abundance of great ideas to write something. Kevin Kelly describes it a little differently: “I write in order to think. I’d say, ‘I think I have an idea,’ but when I begin to write it, I realise, ‘I have no idea,’ and I don’t actually know...
When spearfishing, depending on the type of fish you are looking for, there can be a lot of waiting. Depending on your intent, you could be waiting 5 minutes, or 5 hours. Ultimately, if you get bored, distracted, cold, frustrated and get out, then, well, you aren’t in the water. You’ve just created zero chance...
Yesterday we landed on the island we are now spending a couple months after a 40 minute flight on a little island-hopper plane. There were 11 people on the flight, mostly in their 50’s and 60’s. The local airlines fly several times per day. It’s a fairly straight-forward exercise. When we landed, a young guy...
Love yourself and watch — today, tomorrow, always. – Gautama Buddha Self love is often either ignored completely, or spoken about in round-about terms when suitable, then seemingly forgotten. For some, the wording might be difficult, so perhaps self-acceptance or compassion may better, although ultimately these have different meanings. However, to be in meditation, in...
In 1950, you might have enjoyed cycling, or tennis, or walking. Each activity had it’s own approach associated with it, which had been developed over time. It would (and still does) take years to become proficient in the sport or activity. The “active lifestyle” was still present for many and only 20-40 years prior, it...
This morning, I took a movement and breathing class for 20 amazing women  in the wind and the rain at the beach. The choice to come or not could have been measure on temperature, comfort or convenience, but it wasn’t. They could have stayed in and slept, or had a warm coffee, but instead, they...
Increase awareness Cultivate emotional intelligence Take consistent action Forward focused, repeatable, simple… but not easy. To do it, we all use help. In the first step we use others – conversation, a coach, a mentor. We zoom out. In the second step we use tools – repeatable processes. Notice the nature of our thoughts, and...
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