
Tension before Growth The tension before the growth can be difficult When we turn up at a new job, a new town, or hit a plateau in our work or our exercise. When we go through a rough patch in a relationship or in our business Sometimes if we push a little too much, it...
The end result, wrapped nicely in a box, please. Your profitable business, your new clients, your new movement… 8 weeks, 12 weeks etc to a specific result. A cheat sheet or downloadable. So, understandably, we let our attention go wherever it may, usually wherever the route seems the shortest. Interestingly though, the longer routes are...
If your intentions are good, you are coming from a place of connection, or contribution, it is better to make the noise. It is better to create something, to start, to offer, to converse and to connect, than to not. With experts everywhere on social media, in books and the news, it can feel like...
Both Charles Duhigg and James Clear have written some great work on habit development and the power of habits. I believe there is another small super-power in the creation of habits. That is confidence or belief. I’ve often talked about the power of belief. When we are able to identify a habit that isn’t serving...
We can learn incredible amounts from a friend, mentor or coach in a specific field. When we find a good coach, they are living their ethos. They are living through the systems that they believe in. When we turn up to a class, or work with a business coach, they of course provide us with...
Yesterday I had the great pleasure of meeting and working with the crew at Hybrid Training in Hornsby. We worked through a Breath and Mind workshop*. In this one we went through some breath attention in a short movement practice, where we worked on using breath attention for pacing and also increased awareness of body...
The subconscious mind is observant. We don’t notice everything consciously, but we are imprinted at a deeper level almost continuously. This is essential as a survival mechanism as the subconscious mind continuously perceives and evaluates our surroundings (“neuroception”). What’s happening today though is an over-abundance of information inputs. Inputs which are incongruent with seasonal and...
In the movement world, there are a huge number of different types of skillsets one could choose to pursue. Strength based movements, balance work, acrobatics, juggling. There is a concept called “maintenance mode.” In order to “achieve” the skill, often we need to “sprint” a little bit, which means we need to over-emphasise this skill...
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