
In 2007 I worked as an Aerospace structural engineer on jets. My job was in-flight structural repair design for the F/A-18 fleet in NSW. There was something interesting when you got into one of these jets. They were raw. Rough even. Rivets were all exposed, as was the internal structure. The instruments were basic and...
Partly because of the recency bias, when we overstep the line in one direction it seems that we tend to swing back quite far to the other. People like to indulge over Christmas, then apparently go as far as to eat nothing for a couple days per week. Or swing from one dietary end of...
Whether you have been at it for a decade, a year or a day, really each day is new and a chance to improve on our craft. All too often though, we are “working” towards a target or goal that we’ve set. Something that seems reasonable. What happens when it is unreasonable? Sure, there’s a...
For the general population, the physical training world is largely held back by a competitive conditioning: what numbers can I do, how much can I lose, what movement can I do… How does that fit with my peers, with the “model” of my belief system.. One of the trades here is that when we have...
One of the most potent ways to develop your movement or training journey is to have a year round practice. To show up each and every week and continue to work and practice your craft of moving with more ease and efficiency. It’s easy to get attached to a once-off event, an 8 week program...
Metcalfe’s law states the effect of a network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system. When we are trying to create a positive change in the culture, the people in our environment become important. The early adopters end up being essential. Then, the more, the better. So Metcalfe’s law...
When I was doing a lot of endurance racing (running/triathlon), I entered a race called the Woodford to Glenbrook trail race. It was 25km run along a fire trail in Sydney’s Blue Mountains. A pretty fast course. I think we were finishing it in under 1:40 I was in a pretty good position for this...
Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames. – Rumi Deciding the first stage – the main context of how you want to live, how you want to feel is big, hard and non-obvious, but potentially most important step. When we try to create a cultural shift, or consciously choose our context...
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