
“That being so, so what now?” Yes there are difficulties, you join the gym or yoga classes and it’s early, you are stiff, you can’t lift the same weights as someone else, you have a lot of work on, your mindset or energy feels “off,” the other people applying for the job are more qualified.....
In first year uni, I catastrophically failed a physics exam. I came in fresh from school, I was still 17. It was a physics mid-term paper, worth about 30% of the final mark for the course. Almost our entire year group failed. I think I got 40% or so. This was the first test I...
To work “out” is to expend energy, express capacity, to stimulate and to expand. If there are adequate resources*, this stimulus is the stimulus for growth, change and adaptation. To work “in” is to accumulate energy and to re-vitalise. While the stimulus sparks the adaptation, the “working in,” or the restorative process facilitates the adaptation....
First we focus on energy. Energy production, awareness, becoming your own power source. The Energy Generation module of the Access Potential Academy program has six components – Breath, Perception, Nourishment and then Urgency, Necessity and Impeccability. Half of these are focused more on the physiology – our body, our being. The other half though, are...
When I write one blog post here, I can’t write another on that same day Do I just have one idea each day? Do you? No way. We have many. Here we have the concept of “choice,” I choose one idea, which means I can’t choose another. Then we have other choices while we go....
In 2009, I was hanging out with a lot of pro triathletes. I was lucky to learn a lot about the sport in this time. Over the years, I “adapted” to a high volume of load, or stimulus while trying to “hang on” to these people in training sessions. One of the hardest and most...
A mechanical, over-stimulated, order-filling work week, as a cog in the system isn’t balanced by a weekly yoga or meditation class. This isn’t a theory, it’s just an experiment you can run. You can try it out any time for a few weeks and see. When we consider “self love” or “self care” practices, we...
A term introduced in the 1980’s by a Buddhist teacher and physchotherapist John Welwood which describes the use of spiritual practices and ideas to side-step, or “bypass” un-resolved emotional issues or wounds. If we use meditation, yoga, plant medicines, crystals or other forms of a spiritual journey to avoid uncomfortable feelings or unresolved situations, this...
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